Welcome to my digital home!

Thanks for taking the time to visit my new website and get to know me and what I do a little better! As much time and effort (and re-write after re-write), this project took, it will always be a work in progress, because I will always be a work in progress.

I have the gift and curse of liking and being actively involved in too many things for one person’s schedule. In school, I was in (and held leadership positions) for multiple organizations, while working at least one job, and volunteering on top of that. The good part-I truly loved and found happiness in almost everything I did, the bad part-I couldn’t let any of it go, which left me exhausted at the end of each day. Even now, I am actively involved in my various business roles, while balancing a ton of other things that come from everyday life, so of course, it became difficult for me to summarize everything into one entity of LBH Wellness, and find a simple explanation for why I do all of these things that I do.

Recently, a friend from the west coast came to visit and told me she kept seeing all of my updates on social media and that she was proud of me always finding a way to do what makes me happy, and in turn make other people happy as well. When she said goodbye to me, she simply said “Keep up the heart work. It’s not hard work, it’s heart work.” And as simple as that, I found the description of what I do and why I do it.

This is my heart work. This is what makes me give my absolute everything. I love helping others by giving them the tools to help themselves, and create their own empowerment. And the beauty of it all is-it’s not about making massive changes. Simple shifts can create huge results, and it’s pretty amazing to see.
So, thank you to Liz Degen (www.lizdegen.com) for your web design and photography talent, patience with my endless corrections and questions, and for your encouragement and faith in my endeavors. Thanks to Jenn Watson (www.jennifer-watson.me) for your wise words for the inspiration for this post 😉 And thank you to everyone else who has supported me in every way possible, including my family, husband, friends, and yoga/nutrition/essential oil community friends.

And, as awesome as this website is at explaining what I do, there is so much more to me, to LBH Wellness, and how I can help others. It will be an experience of growth, change, and evolution for me, but always coming from a place of heart. I can’t wait to share it.

Namaste (the light in me bows to and honors the light in you),

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