desk with computer, One Minute Microbreaks for Mind and Muscles

Improve mental focus and reduce physical discomfort at work and at home with microbreaks.

You may have heard that “sitting is the new smoking.”

Our bodies are not meant to be still for long periods of time, other than during sleep.

Sitting for long periods of time, especially with poor posture, may lead to muscle and joint pain.  In addition, when we are sitting in the same shape for hours on end, it can negatively affect productivity, focus, and energy levels.

Research has shown that taking microbreaks throughout the day can help prevent physical discomfort and keep our minds sharp.

Here are some of my favorite things to do during the work day in particular, but this can apply at home as well:

Drink More Water and Enjoy the Extra Bathroom Breaks

This is basically a two-for-one deal.  Increase your water intake AND move more!  Staying hydrated throughout the day helps the mind stay awake.  We get tired when we are dehydrated.

The most common complaint I hear from people who are trying to drink more water each day is that they have to go to the bathroom more often.  I don’t see that as a bad thing, honestly.  If you have to walk a few steps (or across your floor) to go to the bathroom more often, then that’s more steps you are getting in to your day!  Personally, as someone with an overactive bladder AND a very high water intake, I’m pretty sure I’m logging at least a third of my daily steps with my bathroom trips, and I’m not mad about it.

Lastly, this also forces you to take more  microbreaks during the day where you physically pull yourself away from your desk and are not looking at your computer screen.  I see more benefits than annoyances here.

Bottom Line:
  • Drink more water to increase your hydration.
  • Take more bathroom breaks to walk more steps and rest your eyes.

Check In Between Tasks

Taking ten-second microbreaks to recharge can seriously change the course of your day.  What are tasks that you do the most often during your work day?  Whether it’s answering the phone, running meetings, analyzing reports, or taking a ton of bathroom breaks ;-), you can fit in a deep breath or a standing break.  Imagine what it would feel like to infuse more groundedness, focus, and confidence into each and every day.

Try adding one or more of these microbreaks in between those common tasks:
  • Take a deep breath that is at least four seconds long per inhale and exhale.
  • Stand up once every hour.

Find Your Focus

The American Optometry Association (AOA) recommends giving your eyes a break several times a day to avoid eye strain.  Take 20 seconds every couple of hours to give your eyes a microbreak.  You can even pair those 20 seconds with some deep breathing while standing up, and maybe even focusing your eyes on your water bottle to remind you that you need to drink more!  See what I did there?  I’m making this whole thing that much more efficient for you.  You’re welcome.

Anyway, here’s a pretty infographic from the AOA that sums it up nicely:

Microbreak To Prevent Eye Strain

Stretch It Out

Taking a microbreak to stretch can also be extremely helpful in preventing physical discomfort, giving your eyes a rest, and refining your focus.  Shake out your wrists, roll your shoulders, stretch your neck a couple times a day if you sit at a desk, and check in with your posture at least every hour to make sure your spine is properly supported.

I share my five favorite stretches to do at your desk in a FREE printable download that you can access for a limited time here:

Microbreak Stretches
In it, I cover my favorite ways to stretch your wrists, shoulders, neck, lower back, and hipsClick here to get your free copy straight to your inbox!

Here’s to finding more comfort and focus during your day,


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