Corporate Wellness



Most people can benefit from learning about how to make simple and effective changes in the foods they choose to eat, whether it’s what they bring from home, what is available to get from the cafeteria, or how to choose the most nutritious choice from local eateries. These small changes can create big results over time, including weight management, improved energy levels and sleep patterns, prevention of chronic disease such as heart disease and diabetes, and so much more!

Customize your program with specific objectives that apply to your team, whether it’s a single program, or a series of interactive workshops to help develop day-to-day skills to make the most of your lunch hour and coffee breaks!

Some examples of presentations include but are not limited to:
• Basic meal planning using MyPlate
• Strategies and recipes for bringing lunch from home
• Smart snacking
• Weight management programs
• Supermarket tours
• Cooking demonstrations

Group counseling

Group counseling is a less formal outlet for small groups of people to meet their wellness goals together with the help of a professional. Topics like managing blood sugar levels for people with pre-diabetes or diabetes, managing heart disease risk, or weight management are just some examples. Basic tools will be shared and developed among participants, with regular follow-up sessions with Laura in a group setting or privately to fine-tune individual plans, if warranted.

Weight loss challenges

There’s nothing like a little bit of healthy competition, right? This type of program will allow co-workers to team up and encourage each other to meet their weight management goals, with Laura’s nutrition and physical activity-related guidance.

Programs will be individualized based on the work setting and amount of participants, but programs can include (and is not limited to):
• Private “weigh-in” check up sessions with Laura
• Team “weigh-in” sessions with Laura
• Weekly meal choice and physical activity objectives
• Recipe makeovers
• Supermarket tours
• Stress management classes
• Group yoga sessions
• Fitness classes