we are buried seeds and need to support one another

“They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds.”

-Mexican Proverb paraphrased from Greek writer Dinos Christianopoulos

I found this phrase in my social media news feed at the end of a very hard day yesterday.  Amidst all the fighting, pain, and blatant mistreatment of each other for misguided reasons, was this.

The culture that is starting to return to our country is not something to be proud of.  I have a lot of emotions that I have yet to fully process.  For those of us feeling helpless, fearful, disrespected, and more, know that you are still powerful and capable of doing good things.  You don’t need to be nationally recognized to be effective.  You can choose, every day, to be a conscious being.  Keep your mind open, and stay educated from reliable sources.  Participate in local government, volunteer, make yourself heard by acting on what you feel is right.  And do it with your heart, however hurt it may be.

We are all seeds right now.  Take this time to heal, nurture your heart and your vision for how this country should be.  Surround yourself with people who will support you, and treat everyone, including those who don’t agree with you, with kindness.  When seeds are nourished, they will grow strong roots and rise above the dirt.

I am working on healing, myself.  But it is now, more than ever, my main intention to hold a safe space for all people in my life.  Whether it is in a yoga class, nutrition workshop, day to day conversation, or whatever comes up during my journey, my heart is open.  And, if needed, I give some pretty good hugs (I have references to back it up).

Please feel free to reach out to me if you need to talk, and if I see you in class and you want a hug, just ask.  I am here for all the people in my life, with a healing, but open, heart.



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